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Various reusable classes, functions and utilities for use in MRS projects
Directories |
Files | |
file | attitude_converter.h [code] |
Conversions between various representations of object attitude in 3D. Supports Quaternions, Euler angles, Angle-axis and Rotational matrices from tf, tf2, Eigen and geometry_msgs libraries. The default Euler angle notation is the extrinsic RPY. | |
file | batch_visualizer.h [code] |
For convenient and computationally lightweight drawing of geometry in RVIZ using marker arrays. | |
file | dynamic_publisher.h [code] |
Defines DynamicPublisher for easy debug publishing of ROS messages. | |
file | dynamic_reconfigure_mgr.h [code] |
Defines DynamicReconfigureMgr - a convenience class for managing dynamic ROS parameters through dynamic reconfigure. | |
file | gps_conversions.h [code] |
Universal Transverse Mercator transforms. Functions to convert (spherical) latitude and longitude to and from (Euclidean) UTM coordinates. | |
file | iir_filter.h [code] |
file | kalman_filter.h [code] |
Defines KalmanFilter - an abstract class, defining common interfaces and types for a generic Kalman filter. | |
file | kalman_filter_aloamgarm.h [code] |
Defines KalmanFilter - an abstract class, defining common interfaces and types for a generic Kalman filter. | |
file | math.h [code] |
Defines useful math functions that are not part of the cmath STD library. | |
file | median_filter.h [code] |
Defines the MedianFilter class. | |
file | msg_extractor.h [code] |
utility functions for getting stuff from ROS msgs | |
file | mutex.h [code] |
Defines helper routines for getting and setting variables under mutex locks. | |
file | notch_filter.h [code] |
file | param_loader.h [code] |
Defines ParamLoader - a convenience class for loading static ROS parameters. | |
file | param_provider.h [code] |
Defines ParamProvider - a helper class for ParamLoader. | |
file | profiler.h [code] |
A scoped function profiler which publishes ROS messages. | |
file | publisher_handler.h [code] |
Defines PublisherHandler and related convenience classes for upgrading the ROS publisher. | |
file | rheiv.h [code] |
Defines RHEIV and related stuff for surface fitting to points with known covariances according to [2]. | |
file | scope_timer.h [code] |
Simple timer which times a duration of its scope, with additional optional checkpoints. | |
file | service_client_handler.h [code] |
Defines ServiceClientHandler and related convenience classes for upgrading the ROS service client. | |
file | subscribe_handler.h [code] |
Defines SubscribeHandler and related convenience classes for subscribing to ROS topics. | |
file | timeout_manager.h [code] |
TODO. | |
file | ukf.h [code] |
Defines UKF - a class implementing the Unscented Kalman Filter [4]. | |
file | utils.h [code] |
Defines various general utility functions. | |
file | vector_converter.h [code] |
Defines the convert() function for conversion between different vector representations (Eigen, OpenCV, tf2 etc.). | |
file | visual_object.h [code] |
Object abstraction for the Batch Visualizer. | |