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The MRS UAV System 1.5 is being released and this page needs updating. Please, keep in mind that the information on this page might not be valid.

Gazebo Motor parameters

  • Pixhawk controller output is shaped via function

    output = (original_output + input_offset) * input_scaling + zero_position_armed

    in gazebo_mavlink_interface.cpp. The parameters are loaded from component_snippets.xacro from the rotor block:

    <channel name="rotor2">

    The original_output is scaled from 0 to 1. The new output has zero_position_armed added, which offsets the signal up and emulates the “minimal rotor speed” set in PixHawk.

  • Gazebo receives the signals from PixHawk ([0, 1])

    • A simulated rotor speed (rad/s) is generated by dividing the signal by the rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim constant
      • that is the speed of the actual model in gazebo
    • A thrust [N] is generated from the signal (NOT the simulated rotor speed) by the function thrust = motor_constant * signal^2
    • the parameters are in the .xacro file
    <xacro:property name="rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim" value="0.0159236" />
    <xacro:property name="motor_constant" value="8.3" /> <!-- [kg.m/s^2] -->
    • rotor_velocity_slowdown_sim is set so the max velocity is 10 revolutions per second