:warning: Attention please: This page was archived.
The instructions on this page are meant to be used with the MRS UAV System 1.0 and in most cases works with 1.5 as well. A more flexible, modular version of the drone spawner was released in 2024.


The mrs_drone_spawner is a ROS node written in Python, which allows you to dynamically add drones into your Gazebo simulation. At the core, the spawner handles three basic operations:

  • running the PX4 Firmware SITL (software-in-the-loop),
  • adding a vehicle model into the Gazebo world,
  • running MAVROS, which handles the communication (MAVLink) between the firmware and the simulator.

These three processes have to be started sequentially in this specific order. Disrupting the order may cause the simulator to freeze or crash.

Spawning a drone

The mrs_drone_spawner is started automatically with the simulator when starting Gazebo with our launch file

roslaunch mrs_simulation simulation.launch

If you use a custom launch file to start Gazebo, you may need to start the spawner node manually by calling

roslaunch mrs_simulation mrs_drone_spawner.launch

To add a vehicle into the simulation, call a service provided by the drone spawner

rosservice call /mrs_drone_spawner/spawn "1 --enable-rangefinder"

The service takes a string as an argument. Use the string to pass arguments to the spawner and define the vehicle configuration. The list of all available parameters can be displayed by dry-running the spawner script without arguments

rosrun mrs_simulation mrs_drone_spawner

This will only list the available parameters and their description and exit the program. You can safely perform the dry-run even if an instance of the mrs_drone_spawner is already running. When passing multiple parameters to the node, the following structure is used:

  • 1 2 3 ... - integers ranging from 0 to 250 define ID of the vehicle. The model will be named as uavID in Gazebo. Use multiple numbers to spawn more than one vehicle at once
  • --f450 - change the type of vehicle to be spawned
  • --param-name - everything started with -- is treated as a new parameter. If you follow it up with variables without the --, it will be assigned into child variables of this parameter. Parameters without children are treated as booleans, and set the value of the param-name to True. It is a good practise to name the bool parameters as --enable-something or --use-something.
  • --pos x y z heading - specify the spawn position of the vehicle. If multiple vehicles are spawned with one command, this position will be assigned to the first vehicle and the following vehicles will be placed in an array next to it (along x-axis, 2 meter spacing)
  • --pos_file path_to_file - specify the spawn position in a .yaml or .csv file. The position file may define specific positions for many drones. Absolute filepath is required. pwd can be used when calling spawner in directory containing the file such as --pos_file `pwd`/pos_file.csv.

Note: It is permitted to use both - and _ as word separators in the input parameters (--enable_rangefinder and --enable-rangefinder are both valid).

Example: spawn two vehicles with IDs 1 and 7, change vehicle type to f450, add a laser rangefinder and an Ouster 3D LiDAR, specify the LiDAR type to OS1-32 and use GPU acceleration of the LiDAR ray-tracing. All vehicles spawned via this the command will have the same configuration.

rosservice call /mrs_drone_spawner/spawn "1 7 --f450 --enable-rangefinder --enable-ouster --ouster-model OS1-32 --use-gpu-ray


  • Using a blank space instead of a number will assign the vehicle an ID from unused numbers.
  • The spawner will not attempt to create a new vehicle, if the desired ID is already in use.
  • The service calls in Python are handled asynchronously. Please wait until the previous spawn command is dealt with before issuing a new one. Disrupting the spawn procedure may lead to Gazebo freezing or crashing.
  • If you want ground truth odometry to be published or use the RTK estimator, add the parameter --enable-ground-truth.

Advanced user zone

Command line arguments

When starting the spawner manually, you can use the following command-line arguments:

  • no_help - will not display the list of available parameters and instead start the ROS node
  • verbose - will display the list of available parameters after the node is started
  • The mrs_drone_spawner.launch uses both no_help and verbose by default.

Parameter definitions, defining your own sensors

:warning: Attention please: This section is outdated.
This section needs updating, we are not using xacro anymore.

The available spawner parameters are defined in the spawner_params.yaml file. Note that not all sensors are available for all the vehicle types. The config file stores the available configurations in the following format: parameter: [default_value, help_description, [compatible_vehicles]] The list of compatible vehicles and parameter names have to match the model definitions, which are contained in the .xacro files. All parameters passed into the mrs_drone_spawner may be accessed in the .xacro in a pythonic dictionary optionals. To access the value of a specific parameter inside the .xacro, use ${optionals['param_name']}.

When adding a brand new sensor or vehicle configuration, it is your responsibility to edit the .xacro model description and put the corresponding parameters to the spawner_params.