:warning: Attention please: This page is outdated.
The MRS UAV System 1.5 is being released and this page needs updating. Please, keep in mind that the information on this page might not be valid.

We use catkin tools to manage our ROS workspaces. Make sure you are located within the workspace when issuing the following commands. If your workspace is sourced, you can cd to the workspace by:


Compiling a workspace

To compile everything in ~/mrs_workspace:

catkin build

Compiling a specific package

To compile a particular <package>:

catkin build <package>

If you use Tomas’s linux-setup, you can use the key-binding <leader>m or call


to compile the file you are editing.

Cleaning the workspace

Cleaning the whole workspace:

catkin clean

Cleaning a particular <package>:

catkin clean <package>