ROS Workspace caching with Docker
This page describes the process of compiling custom ROS packages against dependencies from base docker image. This task is not trivial in general, however, we have prepared a set of scripts that will make the process straightforward. The following assumption apply for our situation:
- We have a base docker image, which covers our dependencies, e.g.,
, - We need to cache the build artifacts (
within the workspace) for future rebuilds of the same sotware. - We need to transport the resulting compiled software to an offline machine (a.k.a. the robot),
- The robot has the base docker image loaded in its docker daemon.
Our process comprises of the following docker build stages:
- Stage 1: build the workspace
- Load the build cache (
) from the previous build - Compile the catkin workspace
- Load the build cache (
- Stage 2: save the cache
- Encapsulation of the whole workspace into a transport image (
) - Export of the image into a local directory (
- Encapsulation of the whole workspace into a transport image (
- Stage 3: export the transport image
- Copy of the build neccessary build artefacts into a transport image (
) - Export of the transport image
- Copy of the build neccessary build artefacts into a transport image (
The compiled workspace is transported into the robot within an minimalistic alpine
-based image, which makes it relatively small.
The overhead of the transport image is only around 5 MB.
On the other hand, if the workspace would be packed in a image based on the base image, the size would be offset by hundreds of megabytes.
That is not a problem when the tranport occurs through a docker registry.
However, since the Portainer interface makes the upload of archived images very simple, we prefer to bundle the whole image into a .tar.gz
This approach complicates the deployment in one simple way: The workspace needs to extracted from the transport image and placed into a shared volume during runtime.
Pre-configured build pipeline
A set of scripts that facilitate the build is provided at ctu-mrs/mrs_docker under the catkin_workspace_builder
- The sources of your ROS packages are supposed to be placed (or linked) into the
folder. - The file
configures the process by setting up the following environment variables:
# tag for the source image agains which the catkin workspace will be built
export BASE_IMAGE=ctumrs/mrs_uav_system:1.5.0
# tag for the 'transport' image used for packing the workspace
export TRANSPORT_IMAGE=alpine:latest
# tag for the resulting image in which the workspace will be packged
export OUTPUT_IMAGE=catkin_workspace:1.0.0
# location for the exported docker images using the `./` script
export EXPORT_PATH=~/docker
# CPU architecture for the output image
export ARCH=amd64
# path to the catkin workspace in the docker image
export WORKSPACE_PATH=etc/docker/catkin_workspace
# local path to the build cache
export CACHE_PATH=cache
- Run
to compile the ROS packages into the image. - Run
to export the transport image with the workspace to the export destination. - Run
to clean the build cache.
Using the workspace on a robot
The ROS catkin workspace needs to be first extracted from the transport image and coppied into a shared docker volume. Then, a container can be started using the base image and the workspace can be sourced and used to start your packages.
Here is an example of a minimalistic compose session. The full example can be found at ctu-mrs/mrs_docker/compose/custom_workspace
# will copy user's ROS catkin workspace from the 'transport' alpine image to a shared volume
- catkin_workspace:/tmp/docker/catkin_workspace:consistent
tty: true
command: sh -c "rm -rvf /tmp/docker/catkin_workspace/*; mkdir -pv /tmp/docker/catkin_workspace; cp -rv /etc/docker/catkin_workspace/* /tmp/docker/catkin_workspace/"
# starts the HW API for connecting the MRS UAV System to PX4
image: <BASE_IMAGE>
network_mode: host
- copy_catkin_workspace
- catkin_workspace:/etc/docker/catkin_workspace:consistent
- ./stack.env
tty: true
command: bash -c "source /etc/docker/catkin_workspace/devel/setup.bash && waitForRos && roslaunch <my_package> <my_launchfile>.launch"