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Version: 1.5.0


Details, how to export the final model.

General formats

Most of the times, the models are saved in following formats

Polygon File Format - .ply

  • Mainly used MeshLab format.
  • Allows binary format of the file which saves a lot of space on the data storage.
  • Allows to store all kind of data into this format.

Wavefront - .obj

  • Useful to share data with other software as Blender
  • More structured format for sharing.
  • Unfortunatelly bigger file size.


  • The basic guide will be described here. Please follow the original guide and the scripts inside for detailed information.
  • Download the script.
  • Recommend to install NodeJS with snapcraft tool. The apt version for Ubuntu does not contain the up-to-date version.
  • The convert tool needs to have max 16384x16384 texture. Otherwise it will not work.
    • Note: In general, it is better to have several lower size texture files than a single large one.
    • Raster texture warning: If you create a texture from raster images, check the gltf-pipeline tool parameter quantizePositionBits to have value lower than 25, e.g. 20. Otherwise, the model will not be possible to visualize.
  • Run ./ input_file.obj output_file.glb
    • Parameters quantizePositionBits,quantizeNormalBits, quantizeTexcoordBits, quantizeColorBits and quantizeGenericBits are set to max values to provide best quality model. Feel free to lower the values to decrease the .glb file size.
  • Upload the .glb file in glTF Viewer to view the result.


  • The .dae format is most suitable for Gazebo.
  • Gazebo has its own limitation to load a large textures.
  • The image has to be resized with convert input.jpg -resample 16384x16384 output.jpg. Otherwise, Gazebo will be unable to load the texture.
  • While exporting, you can choose to export following parameters:
    • Vert
      • Color - UNCLICK ALWAYS because color is not shown from vertices but from the texture.
      • Normals - required always.
      • TexCoord - UNCLICK ALWAYS because we used the Wedge TexCoord.
    • Wedge
      • TexCoord - only for meshes with texture, this will increase the .dae filesize of about 2x times.
  • The .dae is exportable on 32 GB RAM system only for ~700 MB .ply files.