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Version: 1.5.0


  • Great tutorial how to do the camera movements
  • Always use the .dae model: fast loading and proper texture rendering
  • I used Eeevee rendering mode, the fastest and sufficient with default settings

Mesh parametrization

  • Maps the mesh structure to the 2D plane to allow texturing.
  • Import the .ply mesh file
  • Change default Object mode to Edit mode
  • Select all data with a key
  • Open UV Mapping menu with u key
  • Select Smart UV Project
  • Keep the default values and press OK.
  • Do something else. It takes a long time to process. Average an hour, depending on the model size. (250k faces ~1 hour 15 minutes, 500k faces ~3 hours). These values are only indicative, processing time is strongly hardware and model dependent!
  • When finished, split the screen and change the Editor Type to UV Editor. It shows the texture parametrization.
  • Export the file as .ply or .obj.
    • .obj format might be needed if .ply output is corrupted. It has to be exported from Blender with Y axis as FORWARD and Z axis as UP. Then import this file to Meshlab, skip Convert PerVertex UV to PerWedge UV because .obj file already contains PerWedge UV and export it in .ply format for next steps.

Blender work with video recording

  • Import .dae model
  • Adding camera path by clicking on add -> curve -> path
  • You can select path points by changing to Edit mode on left up corner and on the left side you can chose move, rotate or scale
  • Adding camera by cliking on add -> camera
  • Set camera on path by selecting camera, choose Object Constraint Properties tab on right panel, select add Object Constraint -> Follow Path
  • Check fixed position
  • You can set animation on 1st frame and right click on left panel on offset and set insert keyframe (you will add actual frame on loacation set by offset)

Saving rendered animation

  • Output properties tab on right panel, set location to save, set File Format on FFmpeg Video, set Container MPEG-4, set Output Quality high quality

Blender with color pointcloud

  • Use the video to setup a plugin into Blender to allow pointcloud color visualization.
  • All steps are described in the video.