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Version: 1.5.0


The mrs_drone_spawner is a ROS node written in Python, which allows you to dynamically add drones into your Gazebo simulation. We have also developed a Spawner API to facilitate the development of new modular Gazebo models derived from the MRS UAV System. At the core, the spawner handles the following operations:

  • generating an SDF model from the available templates
  • adding optional components (sensors, plugins...) based on the user input
  • running the PX4 Firmware SITL (software-in-the-loop),
  • running MAVROS, which handles the communication (MAVLink) between the firmware and the simulator.

Spawning a drone

The mrs_drone_spawner is started automatically with the simulator when starting Gazebo with our launch file

roslaunch mrs_uav_gazebo_simulation simulation.launch

If you use a custom launch file to start Gazebo, you may need to start the spawner node manually by calling

roslaunch mrs_uav_gazebo_simulation mrs_drone_spawner.launch

To add a vehicle into the simulation, call a service provided by the drone spawner

rosservice call /mrs_drone_spawner/spawn "1 --x500 --enable-rangefinder"

The service takes a string as an argument. Use the string to pass arguments to the spawner and define the vehicle configuration. The string should contain the following:

  • device IDs - non-negative integers, separated by spaces. These will be auto-assigned if no ID is specified.
  • model - use -- and a model name to select a specific model (e.g. --x500 to use the template ). The model name should match the name of a jinja template file without suffix.
  • keywords - specified inside jinja macros as a spawner_keyword. Add -- before each keyword (e.g. --enable-rangefinder to add a Garmin rangefinder).
  • component args - after a keyword, you can specify arguments for that component. Use ":=" to assign a new argument value (e.g. --enable-ground-truth update_rate:=50 to set the update rate of the ground truth plugin to 50 Hz). Use Python-like syntax for boolean arguments (True or False with capital letters).

This example will spawn a single drone with an ID 3, set the vehicle type to x500, add a Garmin rangefinder, and an Ouster OS0-128 3D LiDAR. The command will also modify some of the default LiDAR params (set horizontal samples to 128, set update rate to 8 Hz):

rosservice call /mrs_drone_spawner/spawn "3 --x500 --enable-rangefinder --enable-ouster model:=OS0-128 use_gpu:=True horizontal_samples:=128 update_rate:=8"

NOTE: The rosservice CLI may not allow the string to start with a dash. Add a space at the beginning of the string to prevent errors, like in the example below.

This example will spawn a single drone of the type f550, and add a Garmin rangefinder. The vehicle ID will be automatically assigned as the lowest unused positive integer.

rosservice call /mrs_drone_spawner/spawn " --f550 --enable-rangefinder"

Spawning multiple drones with the same configuration (e.g. for swarms)

For simulations with multiple drones using identical configuration, we provide a convenient way to spawn an entire swarm with just one command.

This example will spawn 5 drones, set the vehicle type to f450, add a Garmin rangefinder, blinking UV LEDs below the propellers, and 2 wide-angle cameras sensitive to UV light.

rosservice call /mrs_drone_spawner/spawn "1 2 3 4 5 --f450 --enable-rangefinder --enable-uv-leds --enable-dual-uv-cameras"

Note that this may take a while, as each model has to be added into the Gazebo world, PX4 SITL and MAVROS have to be launched and mavlink ports have to be connected for each vehicle separately.


There are two modes of displaying help: general and model-specific.

To display a general help for the spawner, call the service with --help. NOTE: a space needs to be added before the dash, otherwise rosservice CLI will not parse your input.

rosservice call /mrs_drone_spawner/spawn " --help"

To display a model-specific help, add a model name to the arguments:

rosservice call /mrs_drone_spawner/spawn " --x500 --help"

This will display a list of keywords that are supported by the selected model, together with the description of individual components and the component arguments.

NOTE: The help text returned by the service call is unfortunately not nicely formatted in console. Look for a readable help in the the window where simulation/drone_spawner is running.

Naming and spawn poses

The spawner will assign the name uav + ID to each new model. The default naming can be changed in the config file (param gazebo_models/default_robot_name) or with a param --name.

Example: Spawn a single t650 drone with an auto-assigned ID (lowest unassigned integer between 0 and 255). The vehicle will be named pes + ID.

rosservice call /mrs_drone_spawner/spawn " --t650 --name pes"

New vehicles are placed in randomly assigned positions with a random heading. To prevent collisions, the spawn pose is sampled from a circle with a radius defined in the config file (param gazebo_models/spacing).

Vehicles can be spawned at exact positions by using the param --pos followed by exactly 4 numbers (x, y, z, heading).

Example: spawn a single x500 drone with ID 1, place it at coords [30, 0, 0] with an initial heading of 1.57 radians.

rosservice call /mrs_drone_spawner/spawn "1 --x500 --pos 30 0 0 1.57"

It is also possible to specify the spawn poses in a separate file (useful for multiple vehicles). Use the param --pos-file followed by a filepath to the config file. The file may be a .yaml or a .csv.

An example of a yaml pos-file:

id: 1
x: 10
y: 2.5
z: 0.5
heading: -0.3

id: 2
x: 22
y: 14
z: 0.5
heading: 3.14

An example of a csv pos-file:

1, 10, 2.5, 0.5, -0.3
2, 22, 14, 0.5, 3.14

By default, the UAV will connect to Gazebo using Mavlink on port 14550. If you want to use QGroundControl or access raw Mavlink data, you can use the spawner param --enable_mavlink_gcs to add an extra mavlink stream. Note that this will not cause the drone to autoconnect to QGC, but you can manually connect in Application Settings -> Comm Links -> Add -> Type: UDP -> port: MAVLINK_GCS_PORT_REMOTE. The extra stream is configured here and the UDP ports will be automatically assigned according to the UAV's ID as a gcs_base_port + ID. The stream will listen to the simulation data at a MAVLINK_GCS_UDP_PORT_LOCAL (default 18000 + ID) and publish on a MAVLINK_GCS_UDP_PORT_REMOTE (default 18100 + ID). Default port nubmers are loaded from the config file spawner_params.yaml.

Jinja templates and SDF models

We only provide model templates in Jinja format (suffix .sdf.jinja), which need to be rendered. The rendered SDF models are loaded direcly into Gazebo by the spawner. The SDF models may also be stored in temporary files if enabled in the config file (param jinja_templates/save_rendered_sdf). If enabled, the temporary files are saved to /tmp and named mrs_drone_spawner_ + timestamp + unique hash + model type + vehicle name + .sdf.

Extra resources and external paths

By default, the Jinja environment will load the models folder and look for jinja templates with suffix matching the definition in the config file (param jinja_templates/suffix). Extra resources may be loaded by adding filepaths to the param extra_resource_paths in the config file. It is highly encouraged to create new models in an external repository and add this repository to the extra_resource_paths.

Changing the config file

To override the default values in the config file, the launch files mrs_uav_gazebo_simulation simulation.launch and mrs_uav_gazebo_simulation mrs_drone_spawner.launch use the argument spawner_config.

roslaunch mrs_uav_gazebo_simulation simulation.launch spawner_config:=PATH_TO_MY_CONFIG_FILE

Custom drone development

This section is dedicated to all ambitious drone developers who wish to create their own modular robots for Gazebo. We have designed a simple Spawner API to facilitate the creation of new platforms and individual components.

New components

The Spawner API requires each component to be defined as a Jinja macro. Inside the macro, the following variables must be declared:

  • spawner_keyword - this will become the argument to activate the component through the spawn service call
  • spawner_description - a descripton of the component displayed as the help
  • spawner_default_args - dict or none. Defines the default values of internal parameters that can be overriden from the spawn service call. For example a camera resolution or a plugin update rate.

We provide a generic macro to override the default args with the user input in generic_components.handle_spawner_args. An example of a component that is always active and the spawner only modifies its properties: propellers_macro in component_snippets.sdf.jinja.

New platforms

A new platform should always define the meshes, motors and physics properties. The platform should then only call the macros of additional components. We provide several quadrotor templates (f330, f450, t650, x500), a 6-rotor (f550) and a coaxial 8-rotor (naki) as examples. Some parts of the airframe may be conditional, such as holders for specific sensors that depend on the existence of multiple drones. This can be done by storing the result of a component macro call in a variable and checking its length. A good example for this is the lidar_mount in the x500.sdf.jinja template. A completely new platform may be created in an external package. Please refer to the mrs_gazebo_custom_drone_example repository for more information and a tutorial.

Jinja syntax

Jinja is a templating language that allows the use of Python-esque syntax inside xml files. After rendering a template into an SDF model, all Jinja syntax is removed. Please refer to the project website for Jinja documentation.

Design philosophy

Two general-purpose templates are used for building blocks shared by multiple robots. Generic items (a colored mesh, a Gazebo camera plugin...), are defined in generic_components. Components that are compatible with the Spawner API are defined in component_snippets. Platform templates should not implement any components that may be used by other robots. Use import statements to include other templates, the syntax is similar to Python.