Robot Operating System (ROS)
ROS is a middleware between Ubuntu and C++. Thanks to it, our programs can talk to each other asynchronously. It also allows simple control of your software from the terminal. A lot of utilities for robotics have already been programmed with ROS, including sensor drivers, visualization, logging, etc. Thus, we don't need to reinvent the wheel.
Getting into ROS is simple, follow tutorials on their webpage, and don't be afraid to experiment. You can't break the drone in simulation :-). Before trying the tutorials, please install the MRS UAV system. It will install all the tools we usually use.
- Tutorials:
- It is not as important to know how to create repositories; we have already prepared the structure for you. But skimming through all the tutorials is recommended.
- Suggested tutorials: 2, 5, and further.
- Required skills: The more, the better, most of it will come as you start working on your project.
📄️ Remote ROS master
Remote access to ROS core