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Version: 1.5.0

Octomap server

3D occupancy mapping based on Octomap. The sensor data are inserted into a local map centered at the current position of the robot. The local maps are periodically copied into a global map. The map can incorporate pointclouds from 3D LiDARs and depth cameras.


See octomap_mapping_planning launch file for setting of relevant topics, passing a custom config to the octomap server and setting its parameters.

Sensor topics​

Topic names are set as arguments to the launch file.

Topic nameTypeMeaning
lidar_3d_topic_NUM_insensor_msgs/PointCloud23D LiDAR pointcloud
lidar_3d_topic_NUM_over_max_range_insensor_msgs/PointCloud2points over max range (will be used for free-space raycasting only
depth_camera_topic_NUM_insensor_msgs/PointCloud2depth camera pointcloud
depth_camera_topic_NUM_over_max_range_insensor_msgs/PointCloud2depth camera points over max range (will be used for free-space raycasting only
camera_info_topic_NUM_insensor_msgs/CameraInfodepth camera info (used for calculating free-space raycasting parameters)


The frame of reference, where the map is built, is set by argument world_frame_id of the launch file. Default configuration parameters are available at the config file. They can be overriden by passing a custom config file to the main launch file.