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Version: 1.5.0

Octomap mapping & planning

3D volumetric mapping based on Octomap + A*-based planning



Example simulation session

Example tmuxinator session is provided in the tmux subfolder.

Main launch file

The launch file

roslaunch mrs_octomap_mapping_planning mapplan.launch

was prepared to utilize 3D LiDAR and depth camera data and to launch

  • PointCloud filter (mrs_pcl_tools),
  • Octomap Server,
  • Octomap Planner,
  • Octomap RVIZ Visualizer,
  • Nodelet manager.

To use the launch file for your specific usecase, you might need to:

  • Specify reference frame of the map in the world_frame_id argument.
  • Provide custom configs customizing the behavior of the PCL filters, octomap server, octomap planner, and octomap visualizer.
  • Remap ROS topics expected by the launch file to correspond to your sensor configuration.

Example usage of the launch file with custom configs provided:

roslaunch mrs_octomap_mapping_planning mapplan.launch config_octomap_server:="./config/octomap.yaml" world_frame_id:="$UAV_NAME/mapping_origin" config_octomap_visualizer:="./config/octomap_rviz_visualizer.yaml" config_octomap_planner:="./config/pathfinder.yaml" config_pcl_filter_ouster:="./config/pcl_filter_mapping.yaml"