Various reusable classes, functions and utilities for use in MRS projects

This example may be run after building mrs_lib by executing rosrun mrs_lib cyclic_example.

// clang: MatousFormat
// Include the header
#include <random>
#include <ros/ros.h>
// Define the cyclic quantity we will be using (just a float redefinition of degrees)
struct degrees : public mrs_lib::geometry::cyclic<float, degrees>
using cyclic<float, degrees>::cyclic; // necessary to inherit constructors
static constexpr double minimum = -180;
static constexpr double supremum = 180;
// A few helpful aliases to make writing of types shorter
/* helper printing functions //{ */
template <class T>
void printit(const T& a, const std::string& name)
std::cout << name << ":\t" << std::left << std::showpos << std::setprecision(4) << a.value() << "\tin [ " << a.minimum << ",\t" << a.supremum << "\t["
<< std::endl;
template <class T>
void printcont(const T& cont, const std::string& name)
std::cout << name << ":\t";
for (const auto& el : cont)
std::cout << el << "\t";
std::cout << std::endl;
int main()
// | ---------- Basic initialization and conversions ---------- |
/* initialization, assignment, conversion //{ */
degrees a(721.0f); // constructor (equal to 1 degree)
radians b(-M_PI_2); // constructor (equal to -45 degrees)
radians c(b); // copy constructor
radians d = 65; // assignment operator using primitive types will automatically wrap the value to the valid interval
radians e = b; // assignment operator (radians class)
degrees f = b.convert<degrees>(); // conversion from radians to degrees
sradians g = b.convert<sradians>(); // conversion from radians to signed radians
degrees h = radians::convert<degrees>(5 * M_PI_2); // static conversion from radians to degrees
printit(a, "a");
printit(b, "b");
printit(c, "c");
printit(d, "d");
printit(e, "e");
printit(f, "f");
printit(g, "g");
printit(h, "h");
/* wrong way of converting //{ */
// this is a wrong way of converting radians to degrees - the argument will be interpreted as degrees (the compiler has no way o knowing whether you mean
// radians or degrees - it's all float to him)
degrees WRONG1 = degrees(5 * M_PI_2);
// this is forbidden (and will not compile) - use the convert methods for conversions between different types of cyclic quantities
/* degrees WRONG2 = degrees(b); */
printit(WRONG1, "WRONG1");
/* printit(WRONG2, "WRONG2"); */
/* accessors //{ */
// value of the cyclic quantity object can be accessed using a getter
double adouble = a.value();
// the minimum, supremum and range are a static property of the class and can be retrieved either from an object of from the class
double amin = a.minimum;
double asup = degrees::supremum;
double aran = degrees::range;
std::cout << "adouble:" << std::left << std::showpos << std::setprecision(4) << adouble << "\tin [ " << amin << ",\t" << asup << "\t[\trange: " << aran
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// | -------------------- Utility functions ------------------- |
/* wrapping //{ */
// you can check whether a value is in the valid range of a type
double ang = 666;
if (!degrees::inRange(ang))
std::cout << std::left << std::showpos << std::setprecision(4) << ang << "\tis not within [ " << degrees::minimum << ",\t" << degrees::supremum << "\t["
<< std::endl;
// and wrap it to the correct range if needed
double wang = degrees::wrap(ang);
std::cout << std::left << std::showpos << std::setprecision(4) << ang << "\tafter wrapping: " << wang << std::endl;
/* unwrapping //{ */
// if you have a sequence of cyclic values and want to "linearize" it (eg. for a Kalman filter or smh, idk), you can use the unwrap function
std::vector<double> data = {0, 61, 122, 183, 244, 305, 6, 67, 128, 189};
printcont(data, "data before unwrapping");
for (size_t it = 1; it < data.size(); it++)
const auto prev = - 1);
auto& cur =;
cur = degrees::unwrap(cur, prev);
printcont(data, "data after unwrapping");
// and then you can wrap it to the corresponding interval! Go crazy!
for (auto& el : data)
el = degrees::wrap(el);
printcont(data, "data after wrapping");
for (size_t it = 1; it < data.size(); it++)
const auto prev = - 1);
auto& cur =;
cur = degrees::unwrap(cur, prev);
printcont(data, "data after unwrapping");
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// | ------------------- Distance functions ------------------- |
/* dist() //{ */
// there are three distance-related functions provided, each with its own uses
// firstly, there is the dist() function, which simply returns the shortest distance from A to B in the cyclic sense
degrees A(+33.3);
degrees B(-33.3);
std::cout << std::left << std::showpos << std::setprecision(4) << "A:\t" << A.value() << std::endl
<< "B:\t" << B.value() << std::endl
<< "dist(A, B):\t" << degrees::dist(A, B) << std::endl
<< "dist(B, A):\t" << degrees::dist(B, A) << std::endl;
// notice, that dist() is commutative (perhaps unsurprisingly)
/* diff() //{ */
// secondly, diff() returns the difference between B, subtracted from A
// this is the same as dist() except that it is signed (the sign depending on the order of the operands)
degrees C(+146.7);
degrees D(-146.7);
std::cout << std::left << std::showpos << std::setprecision(4) << "C:\t" << C.value() << std::endl
<< "D:\t" << D.value() << std::endl
<< "diff(C, D):\t" << degrees::diff(C, D) << std::endl
<< "diff(D, C):\t" << degrees::diff(D, C) << std::endl;
// naturally, uncomutatitve, and diff(C, D) = -diff(D, C) as you'd expect from subtraction
/* pdist() //{ */
// lastly, there is the pdist function, which returns distance from A to B in a positive direction
degrees E(+1);
degrees F(-1);
std::cout << std::left << std::showpos << std::setprecision(4) << "E:\t" << E.value() << std::endl
<< "F:\t" << F.value() << std::endl
<< "pdist(E, F):\t" << degrees::pdist(E, F) << std::endl
<< "pdist(F, E):\t" << degrees::pdist(F, E) << std::endl;
// naturally, the result is always positive
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// | ----------------- Interpolation functions ---------------- |
/* interpolation //{ */
// it may happen that during your carrier as a human being, you might want to interpolate two angles
// worry not, I've got your back!
// this is implemented by the interp() and interpUnwrapped() functions
// these differ only whether the result is wrapped to the valid interval of values or not (which might be sometimes useful and is sliiightly faster)
double a1 = -359;
double a2 = -2;
double coeff = 1.0 / 3.0;
std::cout << std::left << std::showpos << std::setprecision(4) << "a1:\t" << a1 << std::endl
<< "a2:\t" << a2 << std::endl
<< "coeff:\t" << coeff << std::endl
<< "interp(a1, a2, coeff):\t" << degrees::interp(a1, a2, coeff) << std::endl
<< "interpUnwrapped(a1, a2, coeff):\t" << degrees::interpUnwrapped(a1, a2, coeff) << std::endl;
return 0;
Defines the cyclic class for calculations with cyclic quantities.
Definition: cyclic_example.cpp:22
mrs_lib::geometry::cyclic< float, degrees >::pdist
static float pdist(const float from, const float to)
Returns length of the shortest walk in the positive direction from the first parameter to the second ...
Definition: cyclic.h:171
mrs_lib::geometry::cyclic< float, degrees >::cyclic
Default constructor.
Definition: cyclic.h:55
mrs_lib::geometry::cyclic< float, degrees >::interpUnwrapped
static float interpUnwrapped(const float from, const float to, const float coeff)
Interpolation between two circular quantities without wrapping of the result.
Definition: cyclic.h:242
mrs_lib::geometry::cyclic< float, degrees >::diff
static float diff(const float minuend, const float subtrahend)
Returns the difference between the two circular values.
Definition: cyclic.h:193
mrs_lib::geometry::cyclic< float, degrees >::dist
static float dist(const float from, const float to)
Returns the distance between the two circular values.
Definition: cyclic.h:219
Implementation of the a general cyclic value (such as angles in radians/degrees etc).
Definition: cyclic.h:48
Convenience specialization of the cyclic class for unsigned radians (from $0$ to $2\pi$).
Definition: cyclic.h:489
Convenience specialization of the cyclic class for signed radians (from $-\pi$ to $\pi$).
Definition: cyclic.h:499
mrs_lib::geometry::cyclic< float, degrees >::inRange
static bool inRange(const float val)
Checks if val is within the valid interval of wrapped values.
Definition: cyclic.h:100
mrs_lib::geometry::cyclic< float, degrees >::unwrap
static float unwrap(const float what, const float from)
Returns value of the parameter what modified so that there is no "jump" between from and \t what.
Definition: cyclic.h:157
mrs_lib::geometry::cyclic< float, degrees >::interp
static float interp(const float from, const float to, const float coeff)
Interpolation between two circular quantities.
Definition: cyclic.h:264
mrs_lib::geometry::cyclic< float, degrees >::wrap
static float wrap(const float val)
Returns val, converted to the valid interval of values.
Definition: cyclic.h:114
mrs_lib::geometry::cyclic< float, degrees >::range
static constexpr float range
Range of the valid interval of wrapped values (also the period of the cyclic quantity).
Definition: cyclic.h:87
static other_t convert(const cyclic &what)
Conversion between two different circular quantities.
Definition: cyclic.h:334