Various reusable classes, functions and utilities for use in MRS projects

This is an example of usage of the convert() function for conversion between different vector types. It may be run after building mrs_lib by executing rosrun mrs_lib vector_converter_example.

// clang: MatousFormat
#include <geometry_msgs/Vector3.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>
/* Demonstration of usage for custom incompatible types. //{ */
// What if we want to convert from/to a different type, which doesn't provide either operator[], nor x(), y() and z() getter/setter methods, nor x, y and z-named members?
struct MyPoint
double e1, e2, e3;
// We need to define our own specialization of the mrs_lib::impl::convertFrom() and mrs_lib::impl::convertTo() functions for this type. convert() will then work automatically.
namespace mrs_lib
namespace impl
// convertFrom specialization for MyPoint (mrs_lib::impl::unw_t is just a shorthand for std::tuple<double, double, double>)
std::tuple<double, double, double> convertFrom(const MyPoint& in)
return {in.e1, in.e2, in.e3};
// convertTo specialization for MyPoint
void convertTo(MyPoint& ret, const double x, const double y, const double z)
ret.e1 = x;
ret.e2 = y;
ret.e3 = z;
// Include the vector_converter.h header (this has to be included *after* defining functions for your custom types)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnarrowing"
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
int main()
// prepare a source variable `from` with the type, which we'll want to convert
const double xo = rand(), yo = rand(), zo = rand();
// the mrs_lib::impl::convertTo() function is used as a shortcut for initialization of the object
// Note, then when converting to a single precision floating type,
// the compiler will emit a narrowing conversion waring. This can be disabled using the pragma statements
// around the line `#include <mrs_lib/vector_converter.h>` (see above).
const auto from = mrs_lib::impl::convertTo<pcl::PointXYZ>(xo, yo, zo);
// This is the main functionality - one-liner for converting between two vector types.
const auto to = mrs_lib::convert<Eigen::Vector3d>(from);
const auto to2 = mrs_lib::convert<geometry_msgs::Vector3>(to);
std::cout << "Converted from type " << typeid(decltype(from)).name() << " with value:" << std::endl << from << std::endl;
std::cout << " to type " << typeid(decltype(to)).name() << " with value:" << std::endl << to << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << " and then to type " << typeid(decltype(to2)).name() << " with value:" << std::endl << to2 << std::endl;
// Even for custom types with compatible API, the convert() function will work (thanks to templates)
struct MyPointOK
double x, y, z;
const auto custom1 = mrs_lib::convert<MyPointOK>(from); // works
std::cout << " and to new type " << typeid(decltype(custom1)).name() << " with value:" << std::endl << custom1.x << std::endl << custom1.y << std::endl << custom1.z << std::endl << std::endl;
// However, for custom types with incompatible API, the convertFrom() and convertTo() functions have to be manually implemented for convert() to work (take a look before main()):
const auto custom2 = mrs_lib::convert<MyPoint>(from); // now also works
std::cout << " and to new type " << typeid(decltype(custom2)).name() << " with value:" << std::endl << custom2.e1 << std::endl << custom2.e2 << std::endl << custom2.e3 << std::endl << std::endl;
Defines the convert() function for conversion between different vector representations (Eigen,...
Definition: example.cpp:24
All mrs_lib functions, classes, variables and definitions are contained in this namespace.
Definition: attitude_converter.h:29