Various reusable classes, functions and utilities for use in MRS projects

This example may be run after building mrs_lib by executing rosrun mrs_lib ukf_example.

Example code for using the UKF implementation (see documentation of the UKF class):

// clang: MatousFormat
// Include the UKF header
#include <mrs_lib/ukf.h>
#include <random>
#include <ros/ros.h>
// Define the UKF we will be using
namespace mrs_lib
const int n_states = 3;
const int n_inputs = 1;
const int n_measurements = 2;
using ukf_t = UKF<n_states, n_inputs, n_measurements>;
// Some helpful aliases to make writing of types shorter
using namespace mrs_lib;
using Q_t = ukf_t::Q_t;
using tra_model_t = ukf_t::transition_model_t;
using obs_model_t = ukf_t::observation_model_t;
using x_t = ukf_t::x_t;
using P_t = ukf_t::P_t;
using u_t = ukf_t::u_t;
using z_t = ukf_t::z_t;
using R_t = ukf_t::R_t;
using statecov_t = ukf_t::statecov_t;
// Some helper enums to make the code more readable
enum x_pos
x_x = 0,
x_y = 1,
x_alpha = 2,
enum u_pos
u_alpha = 0,
enum z_pos
z_x = 0,
z_y = 1,
// This function implements the state transition
const double speed = 0.3;
x_t tra_model_f(const x_t& x, const u_t& u, const double dt)
x_t ret;
ret(x_x) = x(x_x) + dt*std::cos(x(x_alpha))*speed;
ret(x_y) = x(x_y) + dt*std::sin(x(x_alpha))*speed;
ret(x_alpha) = x(x_alpha) + u(u_alpha);
return ret;
// This function implements the observation generation from a state
ukf_t::z_t obs_model_f(const ukf_t::x_t& x)
z_t ret;
ret(z_x) = x(x_x);
ret(z_y) = x(x_y);
return ret;
// Helper function to generate a random Eigen matrix with normal distribution
template <int rows>
Eigen::Matrix<double, rows, 1> normal_randmat(const Eigen::Matrix<double, rows, rows>& cov)
static std::random_device rd{};
static std::mt19937 gen{rd()};
static std::normal_distribution<> d{0,1};
Eigen::Matrix<double, rows, 1> ret;
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
ret(row, 0) = d(gen);
return cov*ret;
int main()
// Parameters of the Unscented Kalman Filter
const double alpha = 1e-3;
const double kappa = 1;
const double beta = 2;
tra_model_t tra_model(tra_model_f);
obs_model_t obs_model(obs_model_f);
// dt will be constant in this example
const double dt = 1.0;
// Initialize the process noise matrix
Q_t Q; Q <<
1e-3, 0, 0,
0, 1e-3, 0,
0, 0, 1e-2;
// Initialize the measurement noise matrix
R_t R; R <<
1e-2, 0,
0, 1e-2;
// Generate initial state and covariance
const x_t x0 = 100.0*x_t::Random();
P_t P_tmp = P_t::Random();
const P_t P0 = 10.0*P_tmp*P_tmp.transpose();
const ukf_t::statecov_t sc0({x0, P0});
// Instantiate the UKF itself
ukf_t ukf(tra_model, obs_model, alpha, kappa, beta);
const int n_its = 1e4;
// Prepare the ground-truth state and the estimated state and covariance
x_t x_gt = sc0.x;
statecov_t sc_est = sc0;
for (int it = 0; it < n_its; it++)
std::cout << "step: " << it << std::endl;
// Generate a new input vector
const u_t u = u_t::Random();
// Generate a new state according to the model and noise parameters
x_gt = tra_model_f(x_gt, u, dt) + normal_randmat(Q);
// Generate a new observation according to the model and noise parameters
const z_t z = obs_model_f(x_gt) + normal_randmat(R);
// There should be a try-catch here to prevent program crashes
// in case of numerical instabilities (which are possible with UKF)
// Apply the prediction step
sc_est = ukf.predict(sc_est, u, Q, dt);
// Apply the correction step
sc_est = ukf.correct(sc_est, z, R);
catch (const std::exception& e)
// In case of error, alert the user
ROS_ERROR("UKF failed: %s", e.what());
const auto error = (x_gt-sc_est.x).norm();
std::cout << "Current UKF estimation error is: " << error << std::endl;
std::cout << "Current ground-truth state is: " << x_gt.transpose() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Current UKF estimated state is: " << sc_est.x.transpose() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Current UKF state covariance is:" << std::endl << sc_est.P << std::endl;
return 0;
typename Base_class::Q_t Q_t
process covariance n*n typedef
Definition: ukf.h:69
typename Base_class::z_t z_t
measurement vector p*1 typedef
Definition: ukf.h:63
typename std::function< x_t(const x_t &, const u_t &, double)> transition_model_t
function of the state transition model typedef
Definition: ukf.h:75
typename Base_class::u_t u_t
input vector m*1 typedef
Definition: ukf.h:61
typename Base_class::statecov_t statecov_t
typedef of a helper struct for state and covariance
Definition: ukf.h:73
typename std::function< z_t(const x_t &)> observation_model_t
function of the observation model typedef
Definition: ukf.h:77
All mrs_lib functions, classes, variables and definitions are contained in this namespace.
Definition: attitude_converter.h:29
typename Base_class::R_t R_t
measurement covariance p*p typedef
Definition: ukf.h:67
typename Base_class::P_t P_t
state covariance n*n typedef
Definition: ukf.h:65
typename Base_class::x_t x_t
state vector n*1 typedef
Definition: ukf.h:59
Defines UKF - a class implementing the Unscented Kalman Filter .
Implementation of the Unscented Kalman filter .
Definition: ukf.h:39