Various reusable classes, functions and utilities for use in MRS projects

This example may be run after building mrs_lib by executing rosrun mrs_lib param_loader_example. It demonstrates loading of parameters from the rosparam server inside your node/nodelet using ParamLoader.

To load parameters into the rosparam server, use a launchfile prefferably. See documentation of ROS launchfiles here: Specifically, the param XML tag is used for loading parameters directly from the launchfile:, and the rosparam XML tag tag is used for loading parameters from a yaml file:

Example code for using the ParamLoader (see documentation of the ParamLoader class):

// clang: MatousFormat
/* Include the ParamLoader header */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Set up ROS. */
const std::string node_name("param_loader_example");
ros::init(argc, argv, node_name);
ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
/* Set up some parameters to be loaded by the example. In normal usage,
* you don't have to do this. Parameters are loaded from the rosparam
* server or directly from a YAML file. */
ROS_INFO_STREAM("[" << node_name << "]: pushing testing parameters to the rosparam server");
nh.setParam("test_param_double", std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
nh.setParam("test_param_vector", std::vector<int>({6, 6, 6}));
/* nh.setParam("test_param_matrix_3x3", std::vector<int>({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8})); */
/* Initialize the param loader with a NodeHandle and optionally the name of this node. */
ROS_INFO_STREAM("[" << node_name <<" ]: loading parameters using ParamLoader");
mrs_lib::ParamLoader pl(nh, node_name);
/* Most basic way to load a parameter to a variable, which could be a class member */
double test_param_double;
pl.loadParam("test_param_double", test_param_double);
/* Load a parameter and return it */
const auto test_param_vector = pl.loadParam2<std::vector<int>>("test_param_vector");
/* Load a parameter with a default value, which will be used in this case
* unless you manually push the parameter 'test_param_int' to the rosparam server
* (e.g. using 'rosparam set test_param_int 15'). */
const auto test_param_int = pl.loadParam2<int>("test_param_int", 4);
/* Load a compulsory parameter - without a default value. This will fail in this
* case, unless you manually push the parameter to the server. */
const auto test_param_bool = pl.loadParam2<bool>("test_param_bool");
Eigen::MatrixXd matxd;
pl.loadMatrixDynamic("test_param_matrix_3x3", matxd, -1, 3);
ROS_INFO_STREAM("[" << node_name << "]: Loaded matrix: " << matxd);
/* So far, all the parameters were loaded from the ROS parameter server.
* These must be loaded to the server using the param or rosparam commands
* in the launchfile (or manually using the CLI tools). However, loading
* a large number of parameters from the ROS server in parallel can be slow,
* so we also offer the possibility to load parameters directly from a YAML file.
* To do this, firstly you tell the ParamLoader which file to use: */
/* (Note that this file will have to be created manually in this case for this */
/* example to work.) */
/* Then, you can load parameters specified in the file normally. */
const auto string_from_yaml = pl.loadParam2<std::string>("string_from_yaml");
/* Check if all parameters were loaded successfully */
if (!pl.loadedSuccessfully())
/* If not, alert the user and shut the node down */
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("[" << node_name << "]: parameter loading failure! Ending the node");
return 1;
/* Otherwise, continue the program and happily use the loaded parameters! */
/* This is just some nonsense usage for demonstration. */
if (test_param_bool)
ROS_INFO_STREAM("[" << node_name << "]: Showing values of: " << string_from_yaml);
for (auto& el : test_param_vector)
ROS_INFO_STREAM("[" << node_name << "]: Value: " << test_param_double * el + test_param_int);
return 0;
bool addYamlFile(const std::string &filepath)
Adds the specified file as a source of static parameters.
Definition: param_loader.h:570
bool loadMatrixDynamic(const std::string &name, MatrixX< T > &mat, int rows, int cols)
Specialized method for loading compulsory dynamic Eigen matrix parameters.
Definition: param_loader.h:1170
T loadParam2(const std::string &name, const T &default_value)
Loads a parameter from the rosparam server with a default value.
Definition: param_loader.h:657
bool loadedSuccessfully()
Indicates whether all compulsory parameters were successfully loaded.
Definition: param_loader.h:599
Defines ParamLoader - a convenience class for loading static ROS parameters.
bool loadParam(const std::string &name, T &out_value, const T &default_value)
Loads a parameter from the rosparam server with a default value.
Definition: param_loader.h:639
Convenience class for loading parameters from rosparam server.
Definition: param_loader.h:43