Various reusable classes, functions and utilities for use in MRS projects

This example may be run after building mrs_lib by executing rosrun mrs_lib rheiv_example.

A plane surface model in the cartesian form $ a x + b y + c z + d = 0 $ will be used in this example. The parameters $ a $, $ b $, $ c $ and $ d $ are elements of the parameter vector $ \mathbf{ \theta } $.

// clang: MatousFormat
// Include the LKF header
#include <mrs_lib/rheiv.h>
#include <ros/ros.h>
// Define the LKF we will be using
namespace mrs_lib
const int n_states = 3;
const int n_params = 4;
using rheiv_t = RHEIV<n_states, n_params>;
using theta_t = rheiv_t::theta_t;
using xs_t = rheiv_t::xs_t;
using zs_t = rheiv_t::zs_t;
using P_t = rheiv_t::P_t;
using Ps_t = rheiv_t::Ps_t;
using f_z_t = rheiv_t::f_z_t;
using dzdx_t = rheiv_t::dzdx_t;
/* For the plane surface model, there is no need to transform the data. */
mrs_lib::zs_t f_z(const mrs_lib::xs_t& xs)
return xs;
int main()
/* For the plane surface model, the Jacobian is just an identitiy matrix. */
const mrs_lib::dzdx_t dzdx = mrs_lib::dzdx_t::Identity();
const int n_pts = 4;
mrs_lib::xs_t xs(3, n_pts);
xs <<
0, 1, 0, 10,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0.001; // if you change the last value to 0, the iterative optimization will fail because the matrices M and N will be degenerate
const mrs_lib::P_t P = mrs_lib::P_t::Identity();
mrs_lib::Ps_t Ps;
for (int it = 0; it < n_pts; it++)
std::cout << "initializing object:" << std::endl;
mrs_lib::rheiv_t rheiv(f_z, dzdx, 1e-15, 10, std::chrono::milliseconds(1), 1);
std::cout << "running fit" << std::endl;
mrs_lib::theta_t theta;
theta =, Ps);
} catch (const mrs_lib::eigenvector_exception& ex)
std::cerr << "Iteration failed with message '" << ex.what() << "'." << std::endl;
std::cout << "using last valid theta" << std::endl;
theta = rheiv.get_last_estimate();
std::cout << "finished:" << std::endl << theta << std::endl;
Eigen::Matrix< double, l, 1 > theta_t
Parameter vector type .
Definition: rheiv.h:85
Implementation of the Reduced Heteroscedastic Errors In Variables surface fitting algorithm .
Definition: rheiv.h:61
All mrs_lib functions, classes, variables and definitions are contained in this namespace.
Definition: attitude_converter.h:29
Defines RHEIV and related stuff for surface fitting to points with known covariances according to .
typename std::function< zs_t(const xs_t &)> f_z_t
Function signature of the mapping function.
Definition: rheiv.h:79
std::vector< P_t > Ps_t
Container type for covariances P of the input data array.
Definition: rheiv.h:75
Eigen::Matrix< double, k, -1 > xs_t
Container type for the input data array.
Definition: rheiv.h:72
This exception may be thrown when solving the generalized eigenvalue problem with the M and N matrice...
Definition: rheiv.h:24
Eigen::Matrix< double, lr, -1 > zs_t
Container type for an array of the reduced transformed input vectors z.
Definition: rheiv.h:78
Eigen::Matrix< double, k, k > P_t
Covariance type of the input vector .
Definition: rheiv.h:74
Eigen::Matrix< double, lr, k > dzdx_t
Type of the jacobian matrix , evaluated at .
Definition: rheiv.h:81
virtual const char * what() const override
Returns the error message, describing what caused the exception.
Definition: rheiv.h:31