Various reusable classes, functions and utilities for use in MRS projects

This example may be run after building mrs_lib by executing rosrun mrs_lib repredictor_example.

// clang: MatousFormat
// Include the Repredictor header
#include <mrs_lib/repredictor.h>
// As a model, we'll use a LKF variant
#include <mrs_lib/lkf.h>
#include <mrs_lib/mutex.h>
#include <random>
#include <fstream>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <mrs_msgs/Float64Stamped.h>
// Define the LKF we will be using
namespace mrs_lib
const int n_states = 2;
const int n_inputs = 1;
const int n_measurements = 1;
using lkf_t = varstepLKF<n_states, n_inputs, n_measurements>;
using rep_t = Repredictor<lkf_t>;
/* helper aliases and definitions //{ */
// Some helpful aliases to make writing of types shorter
using namespace mrs_lib;
using A_t = lkf_t::A_t;
using B_t = lkf_t::B_t;
using H_t = lkf_t::H_t;
using Q_t = lkf_t::Q_t;
using x_t = lkf_t::x_t;
using P_t = lkf_t::P_t;
using u_t = lkf_t::u_t;
using z_t = lkf_t::z_t;
using R_t = lkf_t::R_t;
using statecov_t = lkf_t::statecov_t;
static std::random_device rd{};
static std::mt19937 gen{rd()};
static std::normal_distribution<> d{0,1};
// Helper function to generate a random Eigen matrix with normal distribution
template <int rows>
Eigen::Matrix<double, rows, 1> multivariate_gaussian(const Eigen::Matrix<double, rows, rows>& cov)
Eigen::Matrix<double, rows, 1> ret;
for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
ret(row, 0) = d(gen);
return cov*ret;
A_t generateA(const double dt)
A_t A;
A << 1, dt,
0, 1;
return A;
B_t generateB([[maybe_unused]] const double dt)
B_t B;
B << dt*dt/2.0,
return B;
const Q_t Q = 2.5*Q_t::Identity();
const H_t H( (H_t() << 1, 0).finished() );
const R_t R_fast = 5.5*R_t::Identity();
const R_t R_slow = 0.01*R_t::Identity();
const x_t x0 = x_t::Zero();
const P_t P0 = 5.0*P_t::Identity();
const u_t u0 = u_t::Zero();
const ros::Time t0 = ros::Time(0);
const std::shared_ptr<lkf_t> lkf_ptr = std::make_shared<lkf_t>(generateA, generateB, H);
const unsigned buf_sz = 100;
std::mutex rep_pubs_mtx;
rep_t rep(x0, P0, u0, Q, t0, lkf_ptr, buf_sz);
ros::Publisher pub_pos_est;
ros::Publisher pub_vel_est;
enum type_e
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------
void process_msg(const mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped::ConstPtr msg, type_e type)
// multithreading synchronization
std::scoped_lock lck(rep_pubs_mtx);
// update the Repredictor with the latest message based on its type
switch (type)
case input: // interpret msg as system input
rep.addInputChangeWithNoise(u_t(msg->value), Q, msg->header.stamp);
case meas_fast: // interpret msg as fast measurement (use the corresponding R)
rep.addMeasurement(z_t(msg->value), R_fast, msg->header.stamp);
case meas_slow: // interpret msg as slow measurement (use the corresponding R)
rep.addMeasurement(z_t(msg->value), R_slow, msg->header.stamp);
// publish the latest estimate
mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped msg_out;
msg_out.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
// estimate the current state using Repredictor
const x_t x_pred = rep.predictTo(msg_out.header.stamp).x;
// publish the position estimate
msg_out.value = x_pred.x();
// publish the velocity estimate
msg_out.value = x_pred.y();
/* callback splitting to process_msg() //{ */
void callback_input(const mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped::ConstPtr msg)
process_msg(msg, input);
void callback_meas_fast(const mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped::ConstPtr msg)
process_msg(msg, meas_fast);
void callback_meas_slow(const mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped::ConstPtr msg)
process_msg(msg, meas_slow);
// current state and its mutex
std::mutex x_mtx;
x_t x = x_t::Random();
/* publisher thread of fast, imprecise measurements //{ */
ros::Publisher pub_meas_fast;
void meas_generator_fast()
const R_t R = R_fast;
const double delay_std = 0.1;
while (ros::ok())
const x_t x_gt = mrs_lib::get_mutexed(x_mtx, x);
const z_t z = H*x_gt + multivariate_gaussian(R);
const ros::Time stamp = ros::Time::now();
const double delay = delay_std*std::abs(d(gen));
mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped msg;
msg.header.stamp = stamp;
msg.value = z.x();
/* publisher thread of slow, precise measurements //{ */
ros::Publisher pub_meas_slow;
void meas_generator_slow()
const R_t R = R_slow;
const double delay_std = 1.0;
while (ros::ok())
const x_t x_gt = mrs_lib::get_mutexed(x_mtx, x);
const z_t z = H*x_gt + multivariate_gaussian(R);
const ros::Time stamp = ros::Time::now();
const double delay = delay_std*std::abs(d(gen));
mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped msg;
msg.header.stamp = stamp;
msg.value = z.x();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Set up ROS. */
const std::string node_name("repredictor_example");
ros::init(argc, argv, node_name);
ros::NodeHandle nh;
// subscriber on the topic
ros::Subscriber sub_inpt = nh.subscribe("velocity_inpt", 10, callback_input);
ros::Subscriber sub_meas_fast = nh.subscribe("position_meas_fast", 10, callback_meas_fast);
ros::Subscriber sub_meas_slow = nh.subscribe("position_meas_slow", 10, callback_meas_slow);
// publishers for publishing generated measurements, ground truths and the estimate
pub_pos_est = nh.advertise<mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped>("position_est", 5);
pub_vel_est = nh.advertise<mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped>("velocity_est", 5);
pub_meas_fast = nh.advertise<mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped>("position_meas_fast", 5);
pub_meas_slow = nh.advertise<mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped>("position_meas_slow", 5);
ros::Publisher pub_inpt_gt = nh.advertise<mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped>("velocity_inpt", 5);
ros::Publisher pub_pos_gt = nh.advertise<mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped>("position_gt", 5);
ros::Publisher pub_vel_gt = nh.advertise<mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped>("velocity_gt", 5);
// threads for publishing
std::thread th_fast(meas_generator_fast);
std::thread th_slow(meas_generator_slow);
// our system model, generating the currant state x
ros::Duration dur(5e-2);
while (ros::ok())
const double dt = dur.toSec();
const u_t u = 3.0*u_t::Random();
const Q_t dtQ = dt*Q;
// generate a new state
const x_t x_old = mrs_lib::get_mutexed(x_mtx, x);
const x_t x_new = generateA(dt)*x_old + generateB(dt)*u + multivariate_gaussian(dtQ);
mrs_lib::set_mutexed(x_mtx, x_new, x);
mrs_msgs::Float64Stamped msg;
// publish the position ground-truth
msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now() - ros::Duration(dt);
msg.value = u.x();
// publish the position ground-truth
msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
msg.value = x.x();
// publish the velocity ground-truth
msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
msg.value = x.y();
ROS_INFO_THROTTLE(1.0, "[%s]: Spinning", ros::this_node::getName().c_str());
std::tuple< Args... > get_mutexed(std::mutex &mut, Args &... args)
thread-safe getter for values of variables (args)
Definition: mutex.h:48
typename Base_class::Q_t Q_t
Process noise covariance matrix type .
Definition: lkf.h:52
Eigen::Matrix< double, p, n > H_t
State to measurement mapping matrix type .
Definition: lkf.h:57
typename Base_class::P_t P_t
State uncertainty covariance matrix type .
Definition: lkf.h:50
std::enable_if_t<!check, statecov_t > predictTo(const ros::Time &to_stamp)
Estimates the system state and covariance matrix at the specified time.
Definition: repredictor.h:67
typename Base_class::statecov_t statecov_t
Helper struct for passing around the state and its covariance in one variable.
Definition: lkf.h:53
typename Base_class::R_t R_t
Measurement noise covariance matrix type .
Definition: lkf.h:51
std::enable_if_t<!check > addMeasurement(const z_t &z, const R_t &R, const ros::Time &stamp, const ModelPtr &model=nullptr, const double &meas_id=-1)
Adds one measurement to the history buffer, removing the oldest element in the buffer if it is full.
Definition: repredictor.h:296
Eigen::Matrix< double, n, m > B_t
Input to state mapping matrix type .
Definition: lkf.h:56
typename Base_class::x_t x_t
State vector type .
Definition: lkf.h:47
All mrs_lib functions, classes, variables and definitions are contained in this namespace.
Definition: attitude_converter.h:29
Implementation of the Repredictor for fusing measurements with variable delays.
Definition: repredictor.h:39
Eigen::Matrix< double, n, n > A_t
System transition matrix type .
Definition: lkf.h:55
Defines helper routines for getting and setting variables under mutex locks.
auto set_mutexed(std::mutex &mut, const T what, T &where)
thread-safe setter for a variable
Definition: mutex.h:116
typename Base_class::z_t z_t
Measurement vector type .
Definition: lkf.h:49
std::enable_if_t<!check > addInputChangeWithNoise(const u_t &u, const Q_t &Q, const ros::Time &stamp, const ModelPtr &model=nullptr)
Adds one system input to the history buffer, removing the oldest element in the buffer if it is full.
Definition: repredictor.h:141
typename Base_class::u_t u_t
Input vector type .
Definition: lkf.h:48